Following our call last week for Lightning Talk submissions for the 4.30-5.30pm session in the Angus Room on Wednesday, here’s the line-up. Eight talks, each five minutes max… and yes, one speaker does only have one slide!
Gillian Clark, HYPR
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) – Is this just Agile by numbers (and not really agile at all)?
Gareth Evans, HYPR
Lean Architecture – Why we need new architectural approaches to solve today’s
Joe Auslander, Fiserv
Getting sick makes more productive teams
Russell Manning, Spark Ventures
Putting the agile in spark
Mawarny Md Rejab, Victoria University of Wellington
Coordinating roles outside Agile teams
Nigel Charman, Assurity
Visual Specification By Example
Nick Allan, Nick Allan Marketing
Project Managers kill team engagement. And kill passion. So let’s shoot them
David Morris, Fiserv
#NoMoreMeetings (Why are there too many meetings in Scrum, or Who ate my 80 hours?)
We also have an Open Space session at 11.30am-12.30pm on Thursday in Rangimarie 1.
Open Space empowers attendees to create their own agenda via the ‘Law of Two Feet’. This means that attendees are free to move to groups where they feel they can best contribute and learn most. Come along and experience how this collaboration style harnesses the power of self-organisation.