AgileNZ AgileNZ

Submit your Lightning Talk and get with the Programme

23 August 2014 – Posted by Gillian Clark

Here's your chance to be a key part of the Lightning Talk session on Wednesday 3 September (4:30pm, Angus Room) and share your thoughts, ideas, work and experience. The session is designed to give attendees the opportunity to review as many exciting ideas as possible in a short space of time. No time for detail. Just to give them enough to inspire them to search out your work.

Lightning Talks need to be fast, snappy and to the point and include only the headline information. So each Lightning Talk is restricted to five minutes and seven slides at the most (including title and end slides). If you can make your point in one minute with one slide, go for it.

Think about what you are trying to get your audience to discover, whether you’re talking about your work, presenting an unsolved question or delivering an inspirational answer. Make this your title so people have time to digest it and get interested. And remember to keep it relevant to the Conference theme of ‘Mass adoption, not mass addiction’

If you’re up for the challenge, email your Lightning Talk submission to Edwin Dando by this Wednesday 27 August (at the latest). We’ll then review all that we receive and select eight that fit the bill.

Secondly, the Open Space session in Rangimarie 1 at 11.30am on Thursday will offer the chance for debate and discussion, whether it’s about points raised during the main Conference Programme, the previous day’s Lightning Talks or something so far undiscussed. Again, the theme of this session is the central Conference theme of ‘Mass adoption, not addiction’.

We look forward to seeing you at Conference and hearing your ideas, thoughts and opinions…